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Summer Activities!

Summer! It's finally here! While your first thought may be to lounge around and watch TV in your air-conditioned room (I guarantee you were just thinking that!), here are a couple activities you might want to consider, just before picking up that tub of ice cream you were going to eat all by yourself (that's right! I just read your mind!) ! In addition, here are some eco-friendly tips to try!

  • Plant an organic garden

  • Start cooking things at home with the vegetables from your garden

  • Walk/ride your bike to your destination, if it's in walking distance

  • Think about installing solar panels

  • Start reusing your plastic containers (instead of brown paper bag lunch for work!)

  • Try finding a non-toxic sunscreen (Wait! There's toxic in sunscreen!?)

  • When washing your hair, let it air-dry

  • Drink plenty of water, and use the leftover for plants (Warm water still in bottle from your workout this morning? Your sunflowers would sure appreciate it!)

  • Save electricity! Go outside and play! (limit your screen time)

  • Have a picnic, but tell everybody to bring their own reusable containers and some of their own food (less waste, more taste!) so everybody can try different things!

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