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The simple things in life make a difference

On a nice sunny day, would you rather go outside and enjoy the weather or play on your tablet? 

When you're sketching, do you think twice about how much paper you're using for that tiger?

Most people don't realize that all their actions take part in the world around them. Even something as simple as spitting your gum on the pavement. Every action is multiplied by billions and billions of people, who simply toss their trash in a matter of seconds.  But their trash won't be gone that fast. And neither will that of the billions and billions which we produce daily. We consume and pollute faster than the Earth can regenerate and decompose. We need to be aware of that and  think twice about our actions and how they have an impact longterm. Because one day, all the things you took for granted will be gone. Forever.

Image by Idella Maeland

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